
ML Ops (Fun)

Weekly meet time: Thursday 5-6pm EST
We coordinate using #dg-mlops-fun on the AISC Slack.


We’ve been meeting since Jan 2021 to cover a number of topics. For this cycle we’ll focus on planning the infrastructure of a chat bot service.
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Credit - UX Studio
Credit - UX Studio
We’ll dive into application architecture, data system design, infrastructure design and using a simple open source model.


March 10th
Brainstorming and Gathering requirements
March 17th
Designing an architecture v1
March 24th
Investigating training vs inference architectures
March 31st
Dealing with data drift and retraining
April 7th
Deploying a sample model (Rasa)
April 14th
Adding security
Create recipes for a sweet afterparty!
We’ll be working on recipes as part of the working group to capture some of the knowledge we created.
For our final meeting we’ll have a social and you’ll get a gift card to buy something based on your contributions!
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Week of March 10 - Intro and Brainstorming

During week one of the discussion group we brainstormed some ideas on creating a chat app. We documented in a shared doc within three breakout groups. We will using this as a launch point for future weeks.

Week of March 17 - Intro to Architecture

During Week two we’ll be starting thinking about designing a logical architecture. We’ll also introduce recipes and how we can contribute to them.
  • Diagram per group of a potential logical architecture
  • How to create a logical architecture recipes
Sample architecture (Rasa)
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Past Cycles

Designing a E-commerce Data Platform

ML Ops Security

Through the spring of 2021, we focused our discussions on ML Ops Security, from these I wrote 3 articles to summarize some of the topics.
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MLOps Exploration